Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011

tugas direct and indirect

Direct and InDirect
• Ali said to Ani that he saw one-two-three buses.
• Amir asked waht did you bring for lunch.
• Ali answered that he brought some meat and rice.
• Ali said that Ani brought some snacks for us.
• Amir answered that’s good.
• The students said that they let’s sing.
• The other students said that they began to sing.
• Ali said to his mother taht we’re back.
• Their mother asked when they stepped into the house.
• Ani answered taht we’re very tired.
• Ali said taht we’re very ungry.

devi miranti pertiwi/11210879

Direct and InDirect

A Trip to Lake Toba

Last Thursday was a holiday, so the students didn’t have any classes. They all took a trip to Lake Toba. Ali and Ani left their house at five o’clock on Thursday morning. When they came near the school, Ali said :”I see one-two-three buses.” Ali and Amir were on the same bus but Ani was in a different one.
“What did you bring for lunch?” Amir asked.
“I brought some meat and rice.’ Answered Ali.
“Ani brought some snacks for us,’ said Ali.
“That’s good” answered Amir.
Just then one of the students said,”Let’s sing.”
“They began to sing,” said the other students.
They arrived at Prapat at ten o’clock. They played together by the lake and were very happy. Some of the boys went swimming. They lunch by the lake, too. They watched the boats on the lake while they ate. At two o’clock in the afternoon they left Lake Toba and went home. Ali and Ani got home at seven o’clock.
“Mother, we’re back,” Ali said.
“Yes, we did, but we’re very tired,”Ani answered.
“And we’re verry hungry.”said Ali.
Mrs. Linda laughed. The children ate their dinner and went to bed early because they were very tired.

devi miranti pertiwi/11210879

Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011